Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Debut

Welcome to my blog! 

Truth be told, I have no idea what I am doing.  Blogging is as new to me as would be studying Japanese.  The beginning of a new year always inspires me.  I usually generate a list of goals, call them resolutions if you must, that I set out determinedly so to accomplish during that given year.  One of my goals for this 2011 is to use my voice MORE.  For those who know me personally are probably asking themselves...Now, why would she feel like she needs to use it MORE?  My reaction to that is that while I know I have a big mouth, it is my desire to use my voice in a way that reflects the existence and importance of my God-given purpose. 

There's that word...God.  You are going to read many references to and about Him.  For He is exactly why I created this blog in the first place.  It was just a handful of years ago that I realized exactly who He is.  My God revealed Himself to me in a way I will never forget.  It was at that point, just a few years ago, that I decided to surrender my life to Him.  Ever since then, I have been on a path that has forever changed my life.  Through this blog, I wish to share my experiences with you.  Experiences that will hopefully reflect His presence in my life.  I chose to memorize James 1:22 on January 1 of this year.  It is a short, yet very powerful verse.  Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves.  Do what is says.  And that, fellow bloggers, is just what I want to do.  I want to be a DOER of His Word.  I feel creating this blog will help me to do just that.  It will cause me to reflect and will hold me accountable to you as the Reader. 

This blog is dedicated and devoted to the One who changed my life...Jesus Christ.  Thank you for taking this journey with me.  You should know, just like with life, this blog won't present a perfect picture.  Truth be told, life is messy.  And thank God it is.  For if it were not, we would see no need for Jesus in our messy lives.  You can count on my posts to always contain the Word of God, but to always express how and why His Word applies to my life.  Sometimes, that will look and feel warm and fuzzy.  And sometimes, it will look...well...messy.

Father God, may this be the year we experience You in a way we never could have imagined. 

Your Fallen but NOT Failed Servant,

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