Thursday, November 15, 2012

Scripture Memory Verse 22

Wow!  I can't believe 2012 will be over in just a month and a half.  Only three more verses to go before I complete my goal for the year. 

My verse for the second half of November still sounds and seems so out of context compared to the rest of the chapter.  In Psalm 139, since verse 19, I can really get a sense of David's frustration toward the people of his day who dishonored the Lord with their words and actions.  Through his venting, I have been comforted in knowing that it's perfectly alright and even understandable to become hurt (and maybe even offended) by those who haven't experienced the Lord's presence in their lives.  We live in a hurting world, and based on what I can tell from Psalms, the world was not much different during biblical times either. 

My verse...

I have nothing but hatred for them; I count them my enemies.  Psalm 139:22 (NIV)

Persevere, my friends.  We are almost at the finish line.

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