This morning as I was reflecting over some things I had recently read, I was reminded of something. Someone once told me that feelings are just feelings. They're just...feelings! Too often, I let my feelings dictate my actions. And as I was recalling that piece of information this morning, I thought of something else...feelings are also deceptive. Too often I may FEEL overwhelmed. I may FEEL exhausted. I may FEEL lonely or sad or even angry. But those feelings are NOT an indication of who I am...especially of who I am in Jesus Christ. As I prayed this morning, I asked the Lord to remind me of who I am in Him. And that is what I hope you will do today, as well.
Please be encouraged. We are not products of our feelings. Feelings ARE just feelings. And they only have as much power in our lives as we give them. The enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy and he loves to use our feelings as our biggest weapons. Today, I pray you will defeat the enemy at his own game. Remind him of who you are and Whose you are.
As we celebrate Easter this week, I am overwhelmed by the thought of where I would be and who I would be had it not been for the Cross. Because of Jesus' death and resurrection, we have full access to the King of Kings. On this day, feelings aside, my heart shouts, "Hallelujah!" Jesus knows our names and He knows our hearts. For we are His and He is ours...bought with the precious blood of Christ.
Today I pray you will turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full into His wonderful face. And know that you are His. Happy Monday!